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Archive for the tag “Christmas and holiday season”

Christmas shopping all week!

Hello everyone,

I am sorry if I have been lackadaisical with my posts I have been spending time with my family and I haven’t set aside a certain time to do my posts.  I will get used to being home though and will make sure to post more frequently from now on.  I start my Christmas shopping tomorrow with my mother and then, my sister comes home from college and I will go Christmas shop with her.  I had a pretty great day today just relaxing and winding down after the semester.  I got my grades back and I’m happy to report I did very well!  I hope everyone is having a great night and hopefully we will all get our holiday shopping done soon so we can relax.

There’s no place like home for the holidays!

Hello everyone,

I finally get to go home after a long semester at my school.  Tomorrow, at 10:30 a.m., I get to drive eight hours and finally be home for the holidays.  My grades are due by Monday at noon so I hope to hear good news about my finals and grades in my classes.  I hope everyone is having a great night and will have an even better weekend!

Gingerbread Man

Image via Wikipedia


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