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Archive for the tag “Holiday”

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

christmas 2007

Image by paparutzi via Flickr

Hi everyone,

I finally made it home and got a warm welcome from my family.  My step dad and mom greeted me with a homemade pizza, hot chocolate, a warm fire, and a decorated house.  It is good to be home!  I get to have a traditional Italian Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow made by my step dad’s mom because my family cannot go to her house for Christmas Eve, I am so excited to try it.  I made a fun Christmas poll if you all want to participate, I know I did not include as many Christmas songs as I could, but there are so many holiday songs out there it is hard to choose which ones to include.  I hope everyone is having a great night and I hope everyone can get all their holiday shopping done soon. 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey guys,

Today I thought I would keep my post rather short since it is Thanksgiving.  I did not have Thanksgiving with my family this year, but instead went to 419 West with my friend, Justin.  There was an open buffet and I got the usual turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, etc.  It was fairly nice dinner overall.  I kind of regret not going home, but it was a nice change.  Hope you are all having a Happy Thanksgiving!

This is a picture of the dinner I had.  It was probably a little rude that I took a picture in the restaurant, but I did it anyway.

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